NEW YORK, May 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Aquavit") today announced that it has appointed Senior Vice President Timothy Sherwood as Chief Operating Officer.
Prior to the promotion, Sherwood headed up Aquavit's Global Commercial Operations. Effective immediately, Sherwood will assume responsibility for overall administration, commercial operations, business development and strategy. Sherwood will also be responsible for the alignment and prioritization of Aquavit's investments and ensuring operational excellence across the company.
"Tim is a seasoned and trusted leader who consistently delivers results. He is uniquely qualified to drive strategic prioritization and accountability within Aquavit, with a laser-focus on operational excellence," said Sobin Chang, President and CEO, Aquavit. "We are so thrilled to promote great talent from within our organization."
Sherwood joined Aquavit in early 2019 as Vice President of Finance and Human Resources and quickly moved into the role of Senior Vice President, Global Commercial Operations. He has over 18 years of experience in finance, accounting, operations, strategic planning, and human resources across various industries. Prior to joining Aquavit, he was Vice President of Finance at an internationally recognized consulting firm.
"Aquavit's strategy has never been more compelling, and we have won the hearts and minds of our customers," said Sherwood. "I am incredibly energized to help lead the company to its next phase of innovation tied with operational excellence."
About Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a high-tech pharmaceutical company that provides a comprehensive range of innovative pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device technologies. Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Inc. focuses on personalized medicine to improve patients' health, maximize the efficiency of our medical community, and support the pharmacoeconomics of payers.
SOURCE Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Inc.